产品管理仍然是我们永不妥协支柱的重点 二十by30 程序. 我们的 approach aims to minimize the environmental and social impacts of our products throughout their entire lifecycle and includes three core components:
- Leveraging eco-design techniques and manufacturing innovation to minimize the footprint of our products and processes 为 the benefit of the environment and people. This includes examining a range of issues during the development process including how to reduce resource consumption and eliminate waste and emissions. The benefits of our design and innovation extend to our customers in the 为m of a lower product footprint, 这反过来又能帮助他们实现自己的可持续发展目标.
- 符合食品接触和 化学品安全标准 to ensure products meet customer expectations without compromising the wellbeing of consumers, 员工与环境.
- Expanding our responsible and ethical sourcing 程序 to address the social and environmental impacts of the materials and products we purchase. This includes closely examining suppliers, encouraging them to reduce their environmental and 社会足迹, seeking third-party verification and training our employees on ethical procurement.
了解这些目标是如何与目标一致的 联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs).
Maintaining our reputation of responsible practices requires our ef为ts to work in harmony with those of our suppliers to create products trusted by millions of consumers every day. 因此,我们建立了以下的产品管理目标 二十by30 计划:
Decrease the lifecycle footprint of our products and processes through eco-design and manufacturing innovation. 皇冠承诺投入至少50%的研究 & 开发(R&D) technology developments toward minimizing the footprint of its products and manufacturing processes.
到2022年,所有作业都将达到新的统一“一冠标准”.“这个新标准将统一现有的移民标准, 毒理学和安全应用于我们不同的地理位置. By 2025, 云顶集团糖果游戏 will have screened all food contact materials 为 the presence of Chemicals of Concern (COC) and will take action to eliminate them w在这里 deemed necessary.
By 2025, all suppliers determined as high risk are assessed by third-party verification assessments. By 2030, 100%为云顶集团糖果游戏的核心原材料和服务供应商, 由花, are assessed and comply with 云顶集团糖果游戏 Responsible and Ethical Sourcing policies and requirements, 中期目标是到2025年达到75%.
回到顶部我们的 二十by30 goals are designed to proactively protect our business from the risks associated with climate change and contribute to the international ef为ts to keep global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius. 为达致目标,我们将采取以下行动:
- Utilize 设计 为 the 环境 (DfE) and lifecycle thinking to help us decrease the footprint of our product and manufacturing processes footprint 为 the benefit of 云顶集团糖果游戏, 我们的客户和最终消费者. 要做到这一点, 我们将专注于轻量化等领域, 减少材料和腐败, 提高资源效率, 改进的安全, 更大的可回收性或可重用性和增强的制造过程控制.
- Unify existing standards and food contact requirements from around the world into One 云顶集团糖果游戏 Standard.
- 在公司的全球部门实施“一个皇冠”标准.
- 到2025年对所有食品接触材料进行COC筛查.
- 当替代解决方案可行且可用时,消除COC.
- Submit materials 为 independent safety evaluations if the COC cannot be eliminated. 如果评估发现安全裕度不足, we will work with the material supplier to reduce exposure and mitigate potential risks.
- 在全球范围内扩展我们负责任的采购计划.
- Incorporate social and environmental criteria into new contracts or when existing contracts are reviewed/renewed/reappraised.
- Deploy third-party assessments and audits 为 goods and services purchased that fall into risky categories.
- Seek proof of compliance with our Ethical and Responsible Sourcing Program requirements.
- Encourage our suppliers to utilize third-party organizations such as the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) and the Aluminum Stewardship Initiative (ASI) to help us verify the credibility of their risk screening.
- 对员工进行道德采购培训.
回到顶部我们的 employees and operations around the world are already doing their part when it comes to climate action. 这里有几个例子可以说明他们是如何发挥作用的:
Reconfiguring its spray gun system yielded notable improvements in this team’s can coating processes as it adapted to a new product line. By installing a new dual-gun device, the facility has achieved greater precision in its application. The result of these ef为ts not only ensure greater product protection and preservation, but also lower the weight of each can by 40mg and the overall VOC levels at the plant by 30%--major achievements that demonstrate our commitments to delivering a safe product with a 设计 为 the 环境 (DfE) approach.
Implementing an effective separation system contributed to this plant’s 85% reduction in coolant waste. 通过成功地从废物中提取水并将其送去处理, the plant is helping to preserve the availability of water and is also minimizing its production of hazardous waste—a positive outcome at every angle.
Taking a comprehensive approach toward resource management and examining processes across the production line, 这个团队在减少消耗和浪费方面取得了显著进展. 工厂的努力使用水量减少了7%, 电力减少4%, 减少5%的涂料和化学品消耗, 减少12%的油墨消耗, 44% reduction in waste to landfill and 7% reduction in effluent rejects—all upholding our goals of minimizing overall lifecycle footprint as we deliver to our customers.
回到顶部In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly annonunced 17 Sustainable Development 目标 (SDGs) to address global changes and set a blueprint 为 action to achieve the goals by 2030.
我们的 sustainable priorities are aligned with the SDGs so that our actions can contribute to a greater collective impact. 了解更多关于我们与每个目标的一致性 在这里.
回到顶部对我们应对气候变化的方法有什么问题吗? 联络我们: sustainability@games4women.net.